November 28 – Tying some loose ends

1. We will do the debrief that we didn’t get a chance to finish yesterday.  You will individually start by evaluating how your team did by completing pg. 25 of your workbook.

2. Next, you will offer your group members compliments and friendly advice based on your answers.   Here is our procedure:

a. Get into a circle with your group b. Using your chart or your list of teamwork skills from pg. 23, compliment a positive teamwork attribute the person showed during the last activity.  Start with the words:

“During our last activity, you displayed good teamwork when…”

b. Repeat this process for the person on your other side.

c. Now, offer a place for improvement and a next step.  Start with these words:

“One area I think that you can improve is…I saw this when you…a way you can improve is by…”

d. We will finish by having an overall discussion about team work.  Specifically, we will consider the question:

What does a good team member always do?

4. Next, we will return to look at the OSSLT’s short written response for an evaluation (of course, this cannot be posted here).  This should take you roughly 15 minutes.

5. When finished, independently complete the worksheet on transferrable skills.

6. If time remains, we will do one of the following:

a. We will do the What colour is your personality?” test

b. The Five-minute personality test

c. We will consider Kevin O’Conner’s thoughts on résumés

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